Contractions with Be

Subject Pronouns            +  be

                   I’m              we’re
                   you’re        --------
                   he’s             they’re
Use the correct contracted from of subject pronoun + be to fill in the blanks. Pay attention to the italicized words.

1.         Mihiri has a cute little cat.               in love with the cat.

2.         The cat eats a lot.                   by the kitchen door eating.

3.         Pala and Qader play outside.                       good basketball players.

4.         Maria sometimes plays with them.                       a good player also.

5.         Lal and I go to the mall.                               happy shopping.

6.         I can’t find my book.                          lost.

7.         Sam does not like his new clothes.              too big.

8.         Peter, Paul, and Mary are wonderful people.                                 a small family.

9.         I have five brothers.                         the baby of the family.

10.       My brothers live in Dominican Republic.               very happy there.

11.       This shirt is nice, but                          too long.

12.       Ms. Caldera loves her students.                                very smart.

13.       Ms. Caldera teaches English.                                    a great teacher.


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